The unfortunate facts about healthcare delivery systems are that- (a) half of the world’s population cannot obtain essential health services (b) 930M people spend 10% of household income on healthcare (c) 100M people pushed into extreme poverty every year due to high healthcare cost.
We can change these unfortunate facts by developing affordable, portable and usable technologies. The concept of social business can be the right match to deliver healthcare services in a sustainable manner. Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC), indicated in SDGs 3.8 can be effectively addressed by developing digital healthcare technologies (e.g. portable medical sensors, artificial intelligence to reduce medical cost), deploying new policies on remote healthcare systems, and social business models to make the healthcare delivery process more sustainable. Digital Healthcare Systems play a major role to reduce the risk of the spread of disease among individuals, alleviating issues related to mental health, and utilizing the time of healthcare professionals.
“The 5th International Conference on Healthcare, SDGs, & Social Business” will be held on March 19-21, 2023 (online and onsite). The conference aims to share and discuss state-of-the-art healthcare technologies, deployment case studies, and policy recommendations to achieve UHC in a sustainable way.
The conference will solicit scientific papers on the following topics include but not limited to:
Papers will be evaluated according to their novel research contribution, methodological soundness, theoretical framing, and relevance to SDG, Healthcare, and social business. Accepted papers will appear in SocialTech-2023 proceedings.
Submission guidelines:
Full Paper: 4-5 pages long Download Template
Poster Paper: 1 page long Download Template
Poster Presentation: Download Template
Important dates:
Full paper submission: February 10th, 2023 [Closed]
Poster submission: February 25th, 2023 [Extended]
Review Notification: February 15th, 2023
Camera Ready: March 10th, 2023
Conference: March 19-21, 2023